News Uncle Sam

(1 - 30 from 362

Yes, he Khan
[] - “Propaganda” is one, and so is “Bush doctrine”—a phrase Imran Khan has been dropping into his speeches with increasing regularity to describe Uncle Sam's with-us-or-against-us attitude toward politicians in his part of the world. Khan's admirers in

The Stroller: 'It's time'
[Spartanburg Herald Journal] - “That doesn't mean she intends to assume any actual blame for leaving our embassy unprotected, and if Uncle Sam insists on meddling in other people's countries, he shouldn't expect to be loved,” reacts Mr. Burnett. “It's time to face the fact that we

Government eases loan payments for new graduates
[] - Attention college students and new graduates; Uncle Sam is making it a little easier for strapped borrowers to repay their federal student loans. The Department of Education today approved rules for a new "pay-as-you-earn" loan repayment plan. The plan

All Obama's bureaucrats
[Washington Times] - It pays to work for Uncle Sam when there's a Democrat in the White House. The last time the administration pushed the concept of massive stimulus spending, it was supposed to spur economic growth and lower unemployment. That didn't happen. The official

Google News: American International Group (NYSE:AIG): Not Yet Square with ...

[BasicsMedia] - Northern,WI (BasicsMedia) – American International Group (NYSE:AIG): Not Yet Square with Uncle Sam because AIG had received $ billion in bailout money from U.S. taxpayers at the height of the financial crisis, and has been working to

Strong federal ties leave Md. vulnerable to sudden cuts
[Baltimore Sun] - Looming federal budget cuts make a whole lot of Marylanders nervous because a whole lot of Maryland depends on Uncle Sam for a paycheck — directly or indirectly. More than 300,000 Maryland residents work for the federal government, according to the

In areas hit by Sandy, lawmakers ask US to pay the whole cost
[Los Angeles Times] - WASHINGTON — Uncle Sam is picking up the full cost of providing emergency power and public transportation in areas hard hit by super storm Sandy, but lawmakers from the disaster area are asking the federal government to pick up the total bill for

Google News: Powerball Winning Numbers Hit $110M on Halloween: Wisconsin ...

[] - You'll have to hand back 25 percent of your haul to Uncle Sam in the form of federal taxes though. Problem is, Uncle Sam won't accept candy bars as payment. Your state may want some of your prize money in taxes too, so be sure to figure in that amount

Google News: Markets or government: Whom do you trust?

[Washington Examiner] intangible things, whereas governments often have friendly, nurturing personae attached to them. From Uncle Sam to Mother Russia, people like to think of their government as a friendly face, and governments love to indulge them this delusion. Markets?

Google News: Yes, the US debt ceiling is looming, again

[Quartz] - Today, as part of its quarterly update on its plans for funding the operations of Uncle Sam, the US Treasury department said: Treasury continues to expect the debt limit to be reached near the end of However, Treasury has the authority to take

When Sandy crashed into Uncle Sam
[Business Spectator] - In 2008, Republican presidential candidate John McCain suspended his troubled campaign to return to Washington. A financial disaster was threatening to bring down capitalism itself, the Dow Jones was tanking and both sides of American politics had

Did JPMorgan Chase Really Take A "Ten Billion Dollar Hit" For ...
[Truth-Out] - Did JPMorgan Chase Really Take A "Ten Billion Dollar Hit" For Uncle Sam? Tuesday, 30 October :19 By Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future | News Analysis. Tweet. font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size

Biz Buzz: Windfall from Uncle Sam
[] - It's no secret that port calls by US Navy warships bring economic benefits to any city they visit, but this is especially true when it's not just a single warship but an entire “carrier strike group” that comes calling, like last week's visit by the

Google News: West: Obama leads Uncle Sam to 'other side'

[] - Throughout the revolutionary cycle known as Arab Spring, the Obama administration threw in Uncle Sam's lot with the bad guys — the “rebels,” the “martyrs,” the Muslim Brothers, the whole jihad-happy and Shariah-ruling crew in Libya and the wider

Patricia Bender
[Evansville Courier & Press] - Uncle Sam will let Patricia Bender retire next year if she pleases, but at the age of 64 there's no stopping her any time soon. A graduate of the Deaconess School of Nursing, the native of Boonville, Ind., has worked at Deaconess Hospital ever

Google News: New ObamaCare goodness: Health insurance from Uncle Sam

[CainTV] - By DAN CALABRESE - Slinking toward the public option. It's not what liberals really wanted. You know that. They wanted the so-called "public option," which really amounts to the government simply running the show with no pretense of involving the

McFeatters: Help Afghanis who helped us at great risk
[Newsday] - American reporters who cover the Mideast say that after covering the most virulent anti-U.S. demonstrations -- complete with the burning of effigies of Uncle Sam and the Stars and Stripes and impassioned calls for Allah to destroy our country -- they

Hart: GOP's collective pants on fire about education cuts
[Houston Chronicle] - That is, until your generous Uncle Sam stepped in and wrote you a check. Regular meals resumed. Fast forward to You've got your job back. You've built up a healthy savings account, and Uncle Sam closes his wallet. But now, you want to spend your

Google News: Sale:Castle Grayskullman™, Uncle Sam ...

[Action Figure Insider] - Toy Fans,Last summer, we held a contest where fans submitted their concepts for a new MOTUC character. Daniel Benedict's Castle Grayskullman™ blew everyone away and we're stoked to finally see it come to life on Thursday, November 15th as the final

Google News: X Factor: Jahmene Douglas gets friendly with "Uncle" Samuel L ...

[] - Uncle Sam: Jahmene Douglas met Samuel L Jackson at the Shooting Stars Benefit in London. X Factor's Jahmene Douglas has said that he's going to start calling movie star Samuel L Jackson his "Uncle Samuel" after meeting him last weekend. The Snakes

Google News: Visualizing GDP: The Consumer And Uncle Sam To The Rescue

[Forex Pros] - Visualizing GDP: The Consumer And Uncle Sam To The Rescue. By Doug Short | Market Overview | Oct 26, :26PM GMT | Add a Comment. Doug Short · Articles (1083). Article. Tweet. Note from dshort: The charts in this commentary have been

Google News: Uncle Sam, California Benefit From Facebook Employees' Stock ...

[AllFacebook] - Uncle Sam, California Benefit From Facebook Employees' Stock Windfall · Justin Lafferty on October 25, :07 PM. On Monday, rank-and-file Facebook employees will be able to sell their stock, which officially came to fruition Thursday. Collectively

Google News: Generations of Dawsons, all with a real head for heights

[This is Bristol] - Oscar Dawson is only ten months old but if he follows his father Ben, 20, uncle Sam, 23, grandfather Ian, 49, and great grandfather David, 78, into the Clutton-based firm the youngster will become the seventh generation to do so. Dawson Steeplejacks

Federal Salary Council's call for 35 percent pay hike unrealistic
[Washington Post] - There's good reason federal employee unions don't use last week's Federal Salary Council report to demand a mighty pay raise for their members. The council says Uncle Sam's workforce is underpaid, not including benefits, by almost 35 percent compared

Meet Wissam bin Hamid, Uncle Sam's Jihadist Security Officer
[Right Side News] - Meet Wissam bin Hamid, Uncle Sam's Jihadist Security Officer. Wednesday, 24 October :45 Diana West. E-mail · Print readings. Tweet. About that Libya Shield Brigade which 1) fought under the black flag of al Qaeda during the February 17

Google News: Using Your Car for Small Business Use? What Uncle Sam Needs to ...

[Business 2 Community] - Uncle Sam doesn't take you at your word, which means that you must keep written records of your driving habits once you start using your car for business purposes. You'll need to keep track of how many miles you drive, the dates of your travel, the

Capitol Hill bias complaints increase
[Washington Post] - It wasn't all that long ago, in government time, that Congress held itself above all else in Uncle Sam's dominion, and the private sector, too, when it came to how employers treat employees. Congress passed workplace laws, covering things such as

Google News: America needs a turnaround expert

[Washington Examiner] - Uncle Sam's head is about to hit the "debt ceiling" again. Whoever wins the presidential race will face stark fiscal choices almost immediately. The pending sequestration cuts to the Pentagon and domestic spending, along with a whole host of other

Google News: Here's How To Make The Most Of This Nearly Risk-Free Asset

[Investing Answers] - October 22, Here's How To Make The Most Of This Nearly Risk-Free Asset. Low-risk, liquid investments that, upon purchase, do Uncle Sam a favor: What are these magical mystery tools and what surprises do they hold? They're Treasury securities

A better retirement withdrawal strategy — from the tax man
[InvestmentNews] - A better retirement withdrawal strategy — from the tax man. Reprints. By Darla Mercado. October 21, :01 am ET. Uncle Sam may have helped crack the code for the optimal income withdrawal percentage in retirement.