News Terrence Gomez

(1 - 7 from 10
) | The War Against Cronies |
Malaysia's Jomo Kwame Sundaram is on the frontlines of the struggle to change Asia's business culture. Here's why it is taking forever.

AAS Member Anniversaries in | American Astronomical Society
For their commitment and service to the Society, we annually acknowledge and thank our members reaching their 25th, 30th, 35th, etc. anniversaries. Please let...

Gomez to speak on education crisis at farewell party
Resigned University Malaya (UM) academic Dr Edmund Terrence Gomez will share his experiences in the university over the last two decades and speak on the crisis ...

VC: No loss with Gomezs resignation
Universiti Malaya vice-chancellor says it was Dr Edmund Terence Gomez's own decision to work for the UN, suggesting the renowned academic put his own interest...

Chow Kum Hor: Historians, Intellectuals, and Politics Do Not Mix In...
Criticise the Government and face the music. That's the perception formed by some about academic staff who freely express anti-establishment views. This view...

Signs of Stress

Yoursay: No M'sia Baru in sight without change and reform
Anonymous_ c6: Universiti Malaya professor of political economy Terrence Gomez, this is a transition phase. I think as an academician, ...

All web results to the name "Terrence Gomez"
