Network Profiles Sean Beevers

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Death by a Thousand Coughs: Tackling London's Air Pollution Crisis
Sean Beevers - Senior Lecturer in Air Quality Modelling, Environmental Research Group, King's College London. Elliot Treharne - Air Quality Manager, Greater London Authority. Laurie Laybourn-Langton - Research Fellow, IPPR ( Institute for Public Policy Research). Please RSVP on Eventbrite to save ...

Programme for the Modelling World 2012
Dr Sean Beevers, Air Quality Modelling, Environmental Research Group, King's College London. Strategic models for rail planning and the data they need.

Traffic congestion charge has modest impact on the life expectancy of...
Cathryn Tonne1, Sean Beevers (1), Ben Armstrong (2), Frank Kelly (1), Paul Wilkinson(2). 1 Environmental Research Group, King's College, London.