Network Profiles Mark The

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Lab name tribute to scientist
[Oxford Mail] - Following a symposium held in her honour a plaque will be unveiled by Sir Peter, a past President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, to mark the newly-named Jackie Walton Vascular Studies Unit. Ms Walton, a mother of three, also played a

France proclaims 600th anniversary of Joan of Arc
[] - France will mark the reputed 600th anniversary of Joan of Arc with a visit by President Nicolas Sarkozy to her birthplace. by Our Foreign Staff President Sarkozy will travel to Domremy, the village said to have been her birthplace, where he will unveil

Google News: Burma to cut prison sentences

[Financial Times] - State media on Monday said president Thein Sein had signed a clemency order to mark the country's 64th anniversary of independence. But it was unclear whether any of Burma's political prisoners would be included in the move.