News Mark Serwotka

(1 - 30 from 46

Union fears loss of civil service jobs
[The Northern Echo] - Yesterday, Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), travelled to Durham to discuss the situation. After spending 75 minutes with about 100 PCS members, he said: “The management needs to know the people in

Public sector pension changes to save UK taxpayers £430billion
[] - However, last night Mark Serwotka, leader of the Public and Commercial Services union, threatened fresh strike action over the plans. He said: “We intend to fight this Bill politically, but we also believe that co-ordinated industrial action is still

Google News: Strikes call over pay

[This is South Wales] - PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: "As well as protesting on the streets, we believe we will need to follow this up as soon as possible with further co-ordinated strikes, bringing unions together across the public and private sectors." 0. 0

Do you back more union strike action?
[Silver Surfer Today] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union, agreed. He said: "The way to really push the government is to follow up the day of demonstration by mass co-ordinated strike action across the public and private sectors." Do

Higher pay, fewer hours and more holiday: State workers still enjoy ...
[This is Money] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said: 'We need to see the maximum amount of industrial action as soon as possible after the demonstration.' He claimed 'the greatest favour' that unions can do for the public

News round-up 11/9: Pressure on exam regulator
[Local Government Chronicle] - With the trade unions pledging to hold co-ordinated strike action in the spring unless local government staff, health service workers and others receive pay increases, Mark Serwotka, leader of the 250,000 civil servants in the Public and Commercial

Cameron rejects union strike threats
[Reuters UK] - "We need 20 October to be the biggest demonstration we have ever seen...(and) we need to follow up the demonstration as quickly as we can with mass coordinated strike action across the public and private sector," said Mark Serwotka, General Secretary

Trade unions to consider general strike
[] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said “the maximum amount of industrial action” should take place as soon as possible after a planned TUC demonstration on October 20. The TUC meanwhile claimed workers

Businesses at all-time confidence low as Labour woo Lib Dems over ...
[South West Business] - Its leader, Mark Serwotka, said unions should move quickly to pile pressure on the Government, suggesting that anti-austerity protests on October 20 should be followed by industrial action. He added: “Not only is this Government's brutal obsession with

MP slams Government's welfare reforms
[Shields Gazette] - As part of the growing protest against the Welfare Reform Act, a public rally will be staged at Jarrow Community Centre on Tuesday, November 13, with the speakers including Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union

MPs warn on civil service staff cuts
[Yorkshire Post] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS Union, said: “This highlights the ideological nature of the Government's cut first, plan later approach. Under the guise of 'dealing with deficit' Ministers are slashing spending with no regard for how

Public sector pensions talks have 'concluded'
[BBC News] this ludicrous charade of what is now our fourth 'final' offer, with previous ones being desperate attempts to avert strikes and a failed bid to bounce us into accepting an arbitrary deadline before Christmas," said general secretary Mark Serwotka.

A4E Faces Fresh Fraud Probe
[Huffington Post UK] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union, which represents staff in job centres and private employment contractors, said: "We welcome the government's response to these fresh allegations of fraud which, if founded

New fraud probe into welfare to work firm A4e
[] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union, which represents staff in job centres and private employment contractors, said: "We welcome the Government's response to these fresh allegations of fraud which, if founded

HMRC Urged To Find New Ways Of Targeting Non-Taxpayers In Report By MPs
[Huffington Post UK] - PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: "The main barrier to tackling the tens of billions of pounds lost to our public finances every year is the loss of tens of thousands of HMRC staff. "It makes no economic sense to be cutting the very people

Google News: Talks with unions on public sector pensions end

[Financial Times] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union, said: “We will continue to talk to other unions about planning further widespread co-ordinated industrial action and there is as much reason as ever for our members to vote

Google News: £11m owed in unpaid court fines

[This is Bath] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said: “The level of debt outstanding to the courts is an absolute scandal when you consider the jobs that have been cut and those that are threatened.”

Union fears MoD job cuts after deal
[The Independent] - General secretary Mark Serwotka said: "It's outrageous that the first we knew that this contract had been awarded was when the company advertised to fill a post. "This appears to confirm that this was a politically driven decision that does not take

Guardian: Miliband says union threat to Olympics 'unacceptable and wrong'

[The Guardian] - Some Conservatives have argued that the government should tighten the strike laws in response to what they perceive as militant unionism represented by leaders such as McCluskey and the PCS general secretary, Mark Serwotka. One idea – backed by Johnson

Nick Clegg: Workfare Critics Have 'Messed Up' Priorities
[Huffington Post UK] - PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said campaigns had exposed the "true nature" of schemes that were "providing a pool of free labour for big businesses that could afford to pay proper wages. "Instead of exploiting our young people and seeking to

Whitehall cost-cutters splash out £8.5m doing up their own offices
[Evening Standard] - PCS union boss Mark Serwotka added: "With thousands of civil servants losing their jobs and many more under threat, people will wonder exactly what Francis Maude's priorities are. These jobs are essential, from getting people back to work and

Chris Grayling: Tesco work experience campaigners hacked my email
[Daily Mail] - Public and Commercial Services union general secretary Mark Serwotka said today the union had consistently opposed the use of private companies to carry out the task of getting people back into work. 'Back in 2009, when A4e was investigated for fraud

Unite the Resistance GM Public Launch Meeting
[Manchester Mule] - Speakers include Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the PCS civil service union and Karen Reissmann, UNISON activist and NEC member. Come along to the meeting and get involved – let's unite the resistance in Greater Manchester.

Now even the Government is using loopholes to exploit low paid temps
[ (blog)] - PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka told us: "Many employers look to the Government to show a lead on employment issues and take their cue from its actions. "So ministers should be at the forefront of ensuring this often exploited group of workers are

Guardian: Government spends £30m on agency staff after civil servant redundancies

[The Guardian] - Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, which represents civil servants, said: "The government is rushing to making cuts for ideological reasons without any thought about the long-term effect on services or costs.

Guardian: Ditch austerity and try another route

[The Guardian] - Mark Serwotka General secretary, Public and Commercial Services Union • Simon Jenkins rightly wails that "thousands of citizens across Europe are having their lives ruined ... because a financial elite, once burned, is too shy to think out of its box".

DVLA workers protest at plan to close Shrewsbury office
[] - PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “We will not sit back and watch while jobs and highly-prized public services are stripped away. Our local economies are crying out for support and investment, not cuts. “The plans are not based on what the

Staff protest over plans to close Scottish DVLA offices
[BBC News] - PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: "We will not sit back and watch while jobs and highly-prized public services are stripped away. Our local economies are crying out for support and investment, not more cuts. "The closure plans are not based on

Guardian: Solidarity campaign to support the people of Greece

[The Guardian] - Tony Benn Len McCluskey General secretary, Unite Mark Serwotka General secretary, PCS Bob Crow General secretary, RMT Billy Hayes General secretary, CWU Michelle Stanistreet General secretary, NUJ Manuel Cortes General secretary, TSSA Matt Wrack

Labour Ballot: Mark Serwotka's Vote Blocked - Yahoo News UK
The boss of one of the country's largest trade unions says he has been blocked from voting in the Labour leadership election. Mark Serwotka, who is general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union, has hit back at the party over the move, saying it was "extraordinary"

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