News Keith Olbermann

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House panel wants details of stimulus ad campaign on MSNBC
[Washington Times] - The firm ran more than 100 ads touting Job Corps training in environmentally friendly career areas, which aired on MSNBC programs hosted by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann in In their letter to Mr. Pigott, the lawmakers sought, among other

Welcome to the MSNBC, Er, Democratic Convention
[New York Times] - Four years ago, there was open anxiety inside MSNBC over having the unabashedly partisan Keith Olbermann anchor convention coverage. But the era of liberal hand-wringing appears to have passed. “I feel they are part of this convention,” explained

Oosthuizen's disappointment isn't so pronounced
[] - His tee shot on the fifth went farther left than Keith Olbermann. He was forced to take a penalty stroke, setting up the double bogey that made him the co-leader at 18 under with McIlroy, who took the solo lead on the next hole with a birdie. “Shooting

A new home in Hawaii for Obamas: "The Times They Are a Changin'
[Washington Times] - Overpaid pontificator Keith Olbermann made a small fortune in “media,” yet donated nothing to the nation's first recognizably black president in One would think that since Olbermann can no longer run ad nauseum commercial rants on behalf of Obama

Republican leaders probing stimulus cash for MSNBC ads
[Fox News] - The contract with McNeely Pigott & Fox Public Relations led to more than 100 commercials on cable news programs on MSNBC hosted by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann to increase awareness about the Job Corps program's training in

Google News: And Now The News

[Canada Free Press] - Keith Olbermann went even further than Moore, retweeting a link from Bianca Jagger to an article written by a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier that named Assange's victims and accused them of working for the CIA. UK Left-wing activist Craig Murray named one

Keystone College to host Candace Gingrich during Interdependence Day activities
[Go Lackawanna] - Gingrich-Jones has been profiled in national newspapers and magazine, has guest-blogged at the Huffington Post and has appeared on “Good Morning America,” “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” and the “Queen Latifah Show.” She also guest-starred on

Google News: Goodbye And Stuff

[Mediaite] - I had Andrew Breitbart call me “a punk” a few weeks before he passed as well as the one day in which Rush Limbaugh ripped me to shreds in the morning while Keith Olbermann put me on his World's Worst list in the evening. It's weird. Over the years, my

Google News: At the Movies with Bachmann and Occupy

[Esquire (blog)] - A masked Keith Olbermann, flinging a desk-full of papers at a television camera. You are introduced to the movement's collaborative reporters at the New York Times. (Well, actually, one New York Times freelancer. It is truly terrifying to think that

Google News: KVI is coming back!

[Sound Politics] - Yeah, Savage is sort of the right leaning version of Keith Olbermann. Except no one could be that screwed up. Posted by: Jeff B. on August 30, :12 PM. 3. I'd rather hear Bryan Suits or John Gibson in the morning (John C. was doing just fine on

5 Reasons Why You Should Stick With HBO's 'The Newsroom'
[] - Having kept his job in the season finale, Will could finally escape those pesky Keith Olbermann comparisons. That being said, what direction is this show headed? Will the team ever find a Democrat to criticize? Now that News Night supposedly has the

For talent, the cautionary tale of Glenn Beck
[Variety] - At Beck's peak on Fox News, then-MSNBC host Keith Olbermann regularly referred to him as Lonesome Rhodes, evoking images of the homespun huckster in "A Face in the Crowd." With his current ventures, Beck is clearly more than just another face -- or

Brisbane hammers NYT for 'progressivism,' Occupy bias
[Washington Post (blog)] - Because the New York Times didn't exactly hop right on the story of Occupy Wall Street, a slow-footedness that was memorialized in the video above on Current TV starring then-host Keith Olbermann (remember back when he wasn't relevant?)

HBO's 'The Newsroom': Four reasons why it worked - The Star-Ledger
[] - As the anchor for the Atlantis Cable News's flagship show "News Night," Will McAvoy is both obnoxious, uncertain and noble. Daniels (who just may be channeling Fox's Bill O' Reilly or liberal commentator Keith Olbermann) brings an earnest charm with a

Don Quixote Rides Again
[Vulture] - All this talk about Will being a Keith Olbermann character before Newsroom premiered obscured his real doppelgänger until last night. A Republican who believes conservatism has lost its way, that the military should be small, that Sarah Palin has

Neil Armstrong and the death of an American Dream
[Washington Times] - Its pundits are people like Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann, its politicians are people like Jim DeMint and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Worst of all, the American people are too tired or radicalized to care about the bigger picture. Like our pundits

Google News: A '10 Commandments' for Tucson's public officials

[Inside Tucson Business] - Raúl Grijalva called for a boycott of Arizona, it was to serve his ego in an appearance the Keith Olbermann show, not the thousands of people, including those in his own district, who work in the tourism industry. 2. Thou shall not overstay thy welcome.

Reality Bites: Embarrassing truths about the Obama campaign
[] - The commercials ran on MSNBC on shows hosted by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann in 2009, but the contract didn't report any jobs created. Obama's “Truth Team” is attacking Romney's donors now. They posted the names of some of them, describing

Sean Hannity Waterboard Watch: Days And Counting
[News Hounds] - Below is a video (from our friends at Crooks and Liars) showing Hannity's promise to undergo waterboarding - plus Keith Olbermann's offer to add $1,000 to charity for every second Hannity tolerates the process. You can email Hannity via his website and

Google News: Current TV to Turn Half the Screen Over to Twitter During Conventions

[] - Current fired Keith Olbermann, whose show was the most prominent on the network, last March and replaced him with former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Current has tested several formats and types of programming since its inception, with its roots in

[世界日報] - 福斯新聞報導說,政府的紀錄顯示,勞工部2009年底付錢給這家公司,在MSNBC的兩個對歐巴馬政府最友善的有線電視政論節目「Countdown with Keith Olbermann」和「The Rachel Maddow Show」上大作廣告,談定持續兩個月每周播出14次,總共播100多次。

Labor Department spent $500G in stimulus on green-job ad blitz on Olbermann ...
[Fox News] - According to government records, the Labor Department paid the money in late to a company that negotiated a media buy on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" and "The Rachel Maddow Show." The ad was set to run more than 100 times

The Newsroom's Margaret Judson on How She Went from NBC Page to TV Star!
[Cambio] - She started out behind the scenes as a page for NBC and then moved up as research assistant to Keith Olbermann on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Then acclaimed TV writer Aaron Sorkin came to MSNBC to shadow Margaret while doing

Google News: Morning Examiner: Romney's ongoing war against free stuff

[Washington Examiner] - The Washington Times reports that Obama's Labor Department spent $495,000 advertising “green job” training programs on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann shows. Jake Tapper admitted to Laura Ingraham on her radio show yesterday that

Chris Matthews, proud parent of 'Newsroom' actor
[Washington Examiner] - "It's a composite of different things going on; it's a bit of Keith [Olbermann], perhaps some of me, perhaps some of other people like Wolf [Blitzer], I mean I don't know, it's a bit of everybody." That being said, Matthews is unsure about McAvoy's

Google News: Fareed Zakaria's Redemption Song: Is This Just What CNN Needs?

[International Business Times] - CNN -- where the network put him up against MSNBC's (Nasdaq: CMCSA) Keith Olbermann and Fox's (Nasdaq; NWS) Bill O'Reilly. But Spitzer's fall from grace and ultimate plea for redemption did not score the former governor many points with viewers.

Michael Burks, Ry Cooder, Yeasayer, Plan B Release New Albums; Kiss and ...
[Blinded By Sound] - I guess this is going to be a soundtrack for a Keith Olbermann show with slogans rejected. Yawn. I like music with a message and an agenda but I think we should demand better and expect more. This is the moral and musical equivalent of

Choice of Moderators Shows Need for Upgrade of Presidential Debate ...
[Huffington Post] - New, different moderators from the blogosphere (even guys like Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann) should have been chosen to reflect the 21st-century paradigm change in American politics and news reporting. The next step is to choose other participants to

Family Research Council Shooting Unleashes Conservative Vengeance on Twitter
[Daily Beast] - Keith Olbermann, then an MSNBC pundit, demanded that Palin repudiate “her own part, however tangential, in amplifying violence and violent imagery in American politics.” Loughner was later revealed to be mentally disturbed and his political views were

Google News: Vin Scully once considered Yankees announcing job

[Larry Brown Sports] - The tidbit is mentioned in Scully's Wikipedia page and was written about by Keith Olbermann a few years ago, but listening to the podcast was the first time I had heard about it. Traina asked if Scully ever came close to leaving, and that's when he

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