News Dennis Skinner

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Google News: Jolly butcher would stand outside shop in his boater

[This is Kent] - Sadly I don't have a picture of Bill Naylor or his shop but he was one of many local butchers' in Sevenoaks such as Malpass, Robinsons, Dennis Skinner and, in an earlier era, Walter Edwards. Here is a picture of Walter, his staff and an impressive

Google News: How PM's spin chief left him in the lurch

[Daily Mail] - Labour veteran Dennis Skinner (Bolsover, in Derbyshire) faced a dilemma with Mrs May's decision not to extradite Gary McKinnon to the U.S. Normally, he would hate anything done by the Tories. But Lefty dinosaurs like him do not have much time for

Will Jimmy Savile be the death of Newsnight?
[Daily Mail] - VETERAN Labour MP Dennis Skinner, 80, paid tribute to 'the extra-parliamentary activity of my constituent, Janis Sharp' (computer hacker Gary McKinnon's mother) saying: 'I want to thank her for all that Bolsover fighting spirit.' Except Gary's mother

Alan Johnson: Home Secretary Theresa May took the easy way out
[] - When Theresa May announced her decision on Gary McKinnon she attracted the unlikely support of Dennis Skinner, the Labour MP, who said that the credit should go to McKinnon's mother Janis Sharp for her effective campaigning. Dennis was right.

Theresa May took the easy way out over Gary McKinnon
[] - One of them, Dennis Skinner, said that the credit should go to McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp, for her effective campaigning. Dennis was right. Janis Sharp has been magnificent. The problem is that justice should not depend on whether you have a feisty

Google News: Extradition Statement

[DeHavilland (press release) (subscription)] - Mr Dennis Skinner (Bolsover) (Lab): Does the Home Secretary agree that although a lot of people on both sides of the House might want to take some credit for the decision—and they would be right to do so, based on the part they have played—there is

As it happened: Gary McKinnon extradition decision
[BBC News] - Labour MP Dennis Skinner pays tribute to Mr McKinnon's mother, who lives in his Bolsover constituency. He says: "Without the extra-parliamentary activity of my constituent Janis Sharp, I doubt whether this decision could have been made in the way it

Computer hacker Gary McKinnon will not be extradited to the United ...
[] - But Bolsover Labour MP Dennis Skinner said: “Without the extra-Parliamentary activity of my constituent Janis Sharp, I doubt whether this decision could have been made in the way it has been made today. “I want to thank her for all that Bolsover

Sketch: Clegg kicks ass but Beast of Bolsover shows that dinosaurs ...
[The Independent] - Not so Dennis Skinner. Gracefully thanking McKinnon's mother for all "that Bolsover fighting spirit" she had shown in the campaign to keep her son in Britain, he added: "Without the extra-parliamentary activity of my constituent Janis Sharp, I doubt

Guardian: Gary McKinnon: a feelgood mystery

[The Guardian] - By refusing to put the computer hacker Gary McKinnon on to a plane to face a trial the Americans are desperate to stage, she won cheers all round in the house, and warm words from Tory backwoodsmen and Dennis Skinner alike. There is no doubt it is

Google News: Gary McKinnon escapes extradition after Home Secretary ruling

[SC Magazine UK] - Her decision was welcomed by Sir Menzies Campbell MP and Dennis Skinner MP, who praised the work of McKinnon's mother Janis Sharp in raising awareness of the case. Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights group Liberty, said: “This is a great day

Boris Johnson: classic Tory or political maverick?
[Channel 4 News] research organisation Democratic Audit, pointed out to Channel 4 News that this tendency to go off message periodically can also be seen as an endearing characteristic by voters: "There's a reason why the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and Dennis Skinner

Row after John Prescott's old college 'shreds archive'
[] cover all students and courses offered by the institution. But a former dean of the college, which lists John Prescott, the former Deputy Prime Minister, and Dennis Skinner, the long-standing Labour MP for Bolsover, among its alumni, has criticised

Guardian: Question: who thought the minister for Murdoch was useless ...

[The Guardian] which will "ultimately display tempting cakes, hand-made in our kitchen". The hope, officials say, is "to position it as Gentleman's High Tea and The Afternoon Fancy." Excitement mounts in the people's parliament. Dennis Skinner does love tea and cake.

Sketch: How did memory man do it without a loo break?
[The Independent] that he had been a Dallas fan—to the dismay of his father, the real Professor Miliband; and he described how his three-year-old son Daniel had wanted "dinosaurs" in his speech – without making any stale old references to Dennis Skinner or the unions.

Guardian: Labour conference: a lesson in anger management - video

[The Guardian (blog)] - And who are all those pasty-looking blokes in dark suits? John Harris tries to stoke the fire with shadow ministers Harriet Harman, Andy Burnham and Chuka Umunna – as well as irate Labour veteran Dennis Skinner. John Harris, John Domokos and Alex

Guardian: Labour party conference opens: Politics live blog

[The Guardian (blog)] - Dennis Skinner said: "[Sandel] was using long-winded arguments which could have been said much more simply and much more quickly." • Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary and shadow equalities minister, has said the law should be changed to

Aides take Miliband's phone away
[Times Online] - Dennis Skinner, the veteran MP, and Ken Livingstone, the former Mayor of London, asked Mr Miliband about his phone contact with the Lib Dems. Mr Skinner was particularly testy, according to witnesses. One person who was present suggested it turned into

End of an era as Ruskin College moves from its original home
[Oxford Mail] - Notable alumni include former Labour Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and firebrand Labour MP Dennis Skinner. College Principal, Prof Audrey Mullender said the move, part of a £17m redevelopment programme, tied in with the progressive ethos of the

Miliband's phone confiscated after texts to Cable
[New Statesman (blog)] - Today's Times (£) reports that Labour tribalist Dennis Skinner and Ken Livingstone challenged Miliband over his conversations with Cable at a preconference meeting of the NEC, to which he replied that his phone had "recently been taken away by his aides".

Two in three Labour voters want to ditch leader Ed Miliband for his ...
[Daily Mail] - Veteran Labour MP Dennis Skinner and former London mayor Ken Livingstone are reported to have quizzed him during a recent pre-conference meeting of the party's ruling NEC. Mr Miliband responded by saying his mobile had been taken away over the

Miliband's Phone Confiscated Over Cable Texts
[Orange UK News] - His admission infuriated Labour left-wingers and veterans Dennis Skinner and Ken Livingstone protested angrily at a meeting of the party's national executive committee on Tuesday. But according to one member of the party's ruling body, the Labour Dennis Skinner: Die "Bestie von Bolsover" verliert ihren Sitz › Politik › Ausland

Er saß länger im Parlament als jeder andere Labour-Abgeordnete und forderte in Zwischenrufen gern, die Queen möge Steuern zahlen.

Taz: Wahlkampf in Großbritannien: Erdbeben verhindern -

Im Wahlkreis des ältesten Labour-Abgeordneten ist Kohlebergbau passé. Statt Kohle droht Fracking, statt Labour die Tories.

Dennis Skinner tells Jeremy Hunt to 'wipe that smirk off your face'...
Skinner told Hunt to

Defeated Dennis Skinner absent at Bolsover election count › article › defeated-dennis-skinner-a...
The Labour politician Dennis Skinner — known as the Beast of Bolsover — lost the Derbyshire seat he had held for almost half a century on a ...

Dennis Skinner | News, Videos & Articles
Dennis Skinner videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on Dennis Skinner .

Veteran UK Labour lawmaker Dennis Skinner loses to › pmn › news-pmn › politics-news-pmn › veteran-uk-l...
LONDON — Veteran Labour lawmaker Dennis Skinner lost the seat he had held since on Friday, as another brick in the “Red Wall” of ...

Veteran MP Dennis Skinner visits South Shields for documentary...
The Beast of Bolsover has roared into South Shields.