News Ali Saleh

(1 - 20 from 27

Google News: Ethiopia: The Bridge on the Road(map) to Democracy By Alemayehu G Mariam

[Abugidainfo] - Ali Saleh of Yemen fought even after he was singed and disfigured in a rocket attack on his palace. This past February Zenawi granted him asylum after Saleh was denied entry in every other country where he sought refuge. Gadhafi fought to the bitter

Shura Council convenes, discusses constitutional amendments
[Bahrain News Agency] - Manama, April 16 (BNA) -- The Shura Council has resolved during its session held this morning, presided over by its Chairman Ali Saleh Al-Saleh, to allocate its session on Wednesday (18 April 2012) in order to discuss a bill of law on constitutional

Google News: Dahra : Des militants boudent le camp libéral pour le mouvement de la ...

[] - Les amis d'Ali Saleh, ex maire de Dahra et allié d'Abdoulaye Wade lors de l'élection présidentielle de 2012, ont boudé les rangs du PDS pour gonfler ceux du mouvement pour la renaissance du Djolof(MRD) d'Ali Ngouille Ndiaye.

Merchant: 'I got him before he got me'
[The News Journal] - Merchant gets robber first: Mahdi Ali Saleh, a 30-year-old co-owner of Ray's Deli in Wilmington, had a surprise for a man who tried to rob him at the store on Wednesday, April 11. Mahdi Ali Saleh used a handgun to defend himself when a suspected robber

Google News: Dahra- des militants boudent le camp libéral pour le Mouvement de la ...

[S'informer en temps réel] - Les amis d'Ali Saleh, ex maire de Dahra et allié d'Abdoulaye Wade lors de l'élection présidentielle de 2012, ont boudé les rangs du PDS pour gonfler ceux du mouvement pour la renaissance du Djolof(MRD) d'Ali Ngouille Ndiaye.

Tehran to host largest financial fair in Middle East
[ (subscription)] the Securities and Exchange Organization's director announced on January 28. "Taking the over-the-counter market into account, the figure stands at trillion rials (some $127 billion)," Ali Saleh-Abadi said, IRNA news agency reported.

Les entreprises attendent des compensations pour les pertes en Libye
[Centre d'Informations Internet de Chine] - "Les négociations sur l'indemnisation pour les pertes que les entreprises chinoises ont éprouvé pendant la guerre n'ont pas encore commencé", a déclaré E. Ali Saleh Huwedi, conseiller de l'ambassade de Libye en Chine. Mustafa ME Elhmali, un diplomate à

Google News: Firms awaiting Libya loss compensation

[China Daily] - "The compensation negotiations for the losses that Chinese companies suffered during the war have not started yet," E. Ali Saleh Huwedi, counsellor of the Libyan embassy in China, told China Daily. Mustafa ME Elhmali, a diplomat at the Libyan embassy

Expulsions d'imams radicaux : «C'est une manière de nous enfumer»
[Libération] - C'est dû au fait que nous avons été touchés par ce phénomène dès 1986, avec les attentats du réseau de Fouad Ali Saleh. Nous avons quasiment quinze ans d'avance sur les Etats-Unis dans ce domaine. Les imams et les prédicateurs (1) sont très surveillés

HRH Premier receives officials
[Bahrain News Agency] - He was speaking as he received at Gudaibiya Palace today senior officials, in the presence of Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Shaikh Abddullah bin Khalid Al Khalifa as well as Shura and Representatives Councils Chairmen Ali Saleh Al

Google News: After UK Open to Press, US Moves to Cut Horizon, Feltman on the Way?

[Inner City Press] his Deputy Philip Parham appear to have set the record for Q&A availabilities, summarizing closed door consultations and even answering questions in their national capacity except when about "specific individuals," even Yemen strongman Ali Saleh.

Yemen. Al Qaida arriva alle porte di Sana'a
[Rinascita] - Timori che hanno poi trovato conferma quando, poche ore dopo, il battaglione guidato dal maggiore Ahmed Ali Saleh, figlio dell'ex presidente Ali Abdullah, ha scovato e attaccato gruppo di miliziani nella zona di Arhab.

Google News: België met 3-0 onderuit tegen Egypte op WK tafeltennis voor landenteams

[De Standaard] - Ahmed Ali Saleh (ITTF 121) bezorgde zijn land even later de zege door Cédric Nuytinck (ITTF 317) met 3-2 (11-7, 11-5, 9-11, 9-11, 11-6) te kloppen. België speelt vrijdag (16u00) voor plaatsen 33 tot 36 tegen de verliezer van de confrontatie tussen

Google News: On Yemen, Amnesty For Saleh Hit by Human Rights Committee, Dodged by SC

[Inner City Press] - The former, with power, declined to comment on Ali Saleh's impunity. The latter, without power, said that the Amnesty Law should be repealed. On March 29 when the Human Rights Committee released its "concluding observations" on Yemen, Inner City Press

Fighting again breaks out in Arhab
[The Yemen Times] - Republican Guard forces which have engaged in armed conflict with local opposition tribesmen continue to be commanded by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh's son, Ahmed Ali Saleh. The GCC initiative stipulates the restructuring of Yemen's army

Pup-casso; Annual 'Doggie Ball' inspired by Romero Britto artwork
[Sun-Sentinel] Carolyn Lee and Wayne Lee; Peninsula Insurance; Brenda Puck and Robert Puck; Romero Britto; Melody Saleh and Ali Saleh; Susan Smith and Phil Smith; Julie Strauch and Axel Strauch; Lorraine Thomas; Annette Yarborough and David Yarborough; Maroone;

$18 billion worth shares traded in Iran's stock market
[ (subscription)] - "Taking the over-the-counter market into account, the figure stands at trillion rials (some $127 billion)," Ali Saleh-Abadi said, IRNA news agency reported. While the stock markets of the Middle East and North Africa region saw a very poor year in

Google News: Día de derrotas para los argentinos en el Mundial de Dortmund

[Diario Uno] - El primer encuentro de la serie contra Egipto jugó Liu Song ante Ahmed Ali Saleh. Luego de ir perdiendo el primer set por 9 a 3 lo dio vuelta y terminó ganando el encuentro por 3 a 1. Después vino el turno del sanjuanino Pablo Tabachnick

Google News: Occupy the UN Called For As Bank of America Invited In by Ban Ki-moon

[Inner City Press] - When Ban spoke with Yemen's Ali Saleh, Inner City Press asked Ban if he had raised the immunity deal Saleh was seeking and got, after killing over civilians. No, Ban told Inner City Press, it didn't come up. Nor has Ban's UN admitted

Google News: Standard Group, Menengai Oil sponsor Great Rift

[The Standard] - The cheque of Sh10 million was presented to Nakuru RFC chairman Ali Saleh Aljabri by Menengai Oil Refineries Managing Director Onkar Rai in the presence of vice-chairman Andrew Musangi, secretary Harry Mwangi and Public Relations Manager, Mindo Kirori.