News Alex Castro

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Google News: Dejan entrar a su "umbral"

[Noroeste] - Juan Bautizta Raúl Godínez Graciela Martínez Christian Feis Rudolph Vitalis Ahnna Molko Diego Torres Alex Castro Ling Sepúlveda Óscar García Gladys Serrano Roberto Armenta LA MUESTRA Permanecerá durante 15 días en el Modular Inés Arredondo.

Google News: Banda Libre se reinventa con nuevos temas y vídeo

[El Nuevo Diario (República Dominicana)] - La nueva canción es interpretada por Israel Frías y Alex Castro, con arreglos musicales de Manuel Paulino Minimambo, el trío líder absoluto de Banda Libre. “Es un tema de corte romántico y con sonidos urbanos y típicos, que estamos más que seguros les

Google News: Hijo de Fidel Castro habla sobre su padre en televisión cubana

[Café Fuerte] - En una inusual comparecencia en la televisión cubana, Alex Castro Soto del Valle habló de la ductilidad fotográfica del ex gobernante, quien el pasado lunes celebró su cumpleaños 86 con amplio despliegue en los medios oficiales de la isla. "A él le

Coach: Chiefs still must prove selves
[Enid News & Eagle] - Junior Alex Castro is a solid blocker and a tough runner inside. Austin Huckabee is back at wide receiver. Michael Lucas, a tight end a year ago, has moved to offensive guard. He is a first-team selection on the Oklahoma Pigskin Preview All Class C team.

Fidel Castro compie 86 anni
[Gazzetta del Sud] - Nella capitale cubana ritratti Azzinnari e foto Alex Castro. Gentile Lettore, per commentare è necessario effettuare il login. Se non possiedi un account, effettua la registrazione cliccando su "Registrati subito". Password Dimenticata? | Registrati

Google News: El Barbadás se enseña

[La Región Internacional] Javi Ramos, Nuno, Pablo, Abelardo, Felipe, Cuquejo, Cristian, Iago y Omar. Verín CF: Jorge, Cuqui, Sergio, Iván, Mario, Xinzo, Alex Castro, Mancini, Unai, Gallego y Luisito. También participaron: Edgar, Hugo, Camba, Beto, Salgado Portomiño y Petrovich.

Google News: 'To be or not to be'

[Marshall Independent] - "Hamlet" is a favorite of Alex Castro, who plays several roles in the show. He's one of several actors who is new to MASC's Shakespeare in the Park productions. "There is just so much to it," Castro said. "It is psychological, emotional. There's just a

VIDEO: MMA Fighter Alex Castro Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison
[Pacific News Center] - Guam - Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Alex Castro will be spending at least three years behind bars. He was sentenced in Superior Court of Guam today for beating up Navy Sailor Jerrett Dunham back in February at Club Hana in Tumon. Castro spoke for

Artista calabrese dedica mostra a Fidel
[] - (ANSA) - CATANZARO, 3 AGO - E' stata inaugurata a Cuba, a la Casa del Alba Cultural de L'Avana, la mostra El Rostro della Historia, che comprende 20 ritratti del pittore calabrese Franco Azzinari e 20 gigantografie del fotografo Alex Castro. Le opere

Jogos Estaduais Escolares definem campeões do Xadrez
[Olhar Direto] - Tricampeão estadual da modalidade xadrez dos Jogos Estaduais Escolares, o estudante Alex Castro Silva, 15 anos, do Colégio Isaac Newton (CIN) de Cuiabá, conquistou no domingo (29.07) o seu quarto título na 8º Edição do evento. O torneio reuniu 42

Malnutrition woes still loom large, but stakeholders fighting on
[] - “We need to focus on the challenge to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of two-thirds reduction of child mortality by and ensure the protection and development of the Philippines' future human capital,” said Alex Castro, IPNAP Executive