Sun Jixian Free People Check 

( I'm Sun Jixian)


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The descendants Dong Ning of Sun Jixian of Sun Jixian resume - 粉丝 ...
Sun Jixian (1911, 1990) , shandong saves Cao county person. The martial commander with revolutionist of the faithful communism soldier with outstanding Party member, long-tested Chinese Communist, proletariat, outstanding the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Chinese People's Liberation Army ...

He is the first rocket commander in China, and the salary is higher ...
but today we are going to talk about a general. He is only a lieutenant general. The highest salary is the six level of the executive administration, but his actual salary is far beyond the three level of administration. please click on the input picture to describe the "style=". This person is Vice Admiral Sun Jixian.
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