Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Peggy"

Information about "Peggy"

For this Peggy there are 16255 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Peggy are: Owen, Thompson, Andrew

In the ranking of the most common first names Peggy is on position 421.

During the last seven days Peggy was searched for 466 times.

Meaning of "Peggy"

Female first name (English): Peggy, the pearl, taken as a name from the Latin into German;; ancient Greek (14 helpers); Margarites = the Pearl (Old High German) in the Middle Ages, spread by the name of the Saint. Margaret of Antioch (3rd and 4th centuries) and the Greek word 'Margarites' is perhaps originally from the Persian with the meaning 'child of light' (according to the presentation of the pearl as a dew-drop, which was changed by moonlight)

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