Paul Duffy Free People Check 

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Somerville Police search for knife-wielding attacker
[] said her assailant had either a broken tooth, or a gold tooth. Anyone with information about the incident or the man should contact Somerville Police at , and ask for Detective Paul Duffy. Matt Byrne can be reached at mbyrne.globe@gmail

Town turns out for Paralympians
[The Southland Times] - Toetoes ward councillor Paul Duffy said the area was excited to show its support for Fairweather - and Gray was welcome to move to the community, too. "I think to recognise that commitment and determination and, finally, that success, is something we

Armagh Football final: Crossmaglen Pearse Og 0-11
[Belfast Telegraph] - A series of sharp counter-thrusts by the Ogs culminated in Paul Duffy swinging over spectacular points in the 28th and 29th minutes that propelled them into the lead for the first time. But it was a very short-lived advantage. In injury-time

Google News: Soloist Showcase

[] - Moving sequentially from the top to the bottom of the band, the listener can enjoy the talents of soprano player Paul Duffy through to percussionist Andrea Price aided by neat sectional features and solo quartets along the way. Easy listening. It is
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