Angel Oc Michelle Free People Check 

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Gladewater gets first Yamboree Queen
[Longview News-Journal] - Ladies-in-waiting will be Chelsey Lyn Alexander, Emily Paige Chevalier, Jasmin Danyale Jones, Kayla Nicole Smith and Angel Michelle Yochum. Sponsored by the Bluebonnet Literary Club, Linder is a student at Gladewater High School. She is the daughter

Harmony Girl One of Seven to Compete for Yamboree Crown
[Longview News-Journal] - The other six girls vying for this year's crown are Chelsey Lyn Alexander, Emily Paige Chevalier, Jasmin Danyale Jones, Kayla Nicole Smith, and Angel Michelle Yochum; all attend Gilmer High School, and Mary Paige Linder, who is a student at Gladewater
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