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ITV Studios Global Entertainment renews Wild Pictures deal
[Realscreen] mins ago by Kelly Anderson · Tweet. Strangeways. ITV Studios Global Entertainment (ITVS GE) has signed a multi-year distribution agreement for London-based Wild Pictures' factual programming. The renewed exclusive first-look distribution deal gives

Man who fought police dog sentenced
[Youngstown Vindicator] - When he tried to handcuff Kelly, Anderson reported Kelly fought with him and shoved him into the interstate's driving lane, ran away, and repeatedly punched the police dog that caught up with him. Ninja grabbed Kelly's pant leg, tearing it from Kelly's

Karen Fawcett
[Beloit Daily News] Jean ( Roger) Krueger, Elizabeth “Betty” (Glenn) Anderson, brothers, Bill (Jan) Arndt and Ron (Barb) Arndt. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a grandson, Ronald J. Fawcett and sisters, Beatrice Arndt and Dorothy (Kelly) Anderson.

URBAN ISSUE: The way forward
[Hamilton Spectator] - “The conversion costs would be significant and would include traffic signal modification, signage, paint, curb radius and related concrete work, as well as impacts to parking and driveway access,” said city spokesperson Kelly Anderson. There are also
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