James Cameron Free People Check 

( I'm James Cameron)


Images of James Cameron

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Ellen Gray: 'Titanic: Blood & Steel' debuts on Encore

[Philadelphia Daily News] - James Cameron's "Titanic" clocked in at 3 hours, 14 minutes. "Titanic: Blood & Steel," a 12-part miniseries filmed in Ireland about the events leading up to the April disaster, will get a six-night run on Encore this week, starting Monday. The

Google News: 'Mythbusters' Settles the 'Titanic' Debate: Did Jack Have to Die?

[ScreenCrush] - James Cameron was a special guest on 'Mythbusters' which finally looked to settle the debate “Did Jack Have to Die?” Their conclusion? No. Cameron and the Mythbusters agreed that Rose and Jack were floating on the board for 63 minutes. Using that as a

Interview mit James Cameron „3D ist kein Vergnügungspark“ - FAZ

[Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] - Herr Cameron, mit Avatar in 3D haben Sie als Regisseur und Produzent die Messlatte hoch gelegt. Warum haben Sie Titanic nach so langer Zeit in 3D umgewandelt? Das war ein langwieriger und wohl auch langweiliger Prozess. Qualvoll ist der richtige

NZ blip on China investment radar

[New Zealand Herald] - Hollywood director James Cameron has accounted for more Overseas Investment Office applications in the past year than all of China's 1.3 billion people. Photo / Supplied. You might think, if you read all the coverage about the Crafar farms sale, that
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