George Takei Free People Check 

( I'm George Takei)


Images of George Takei

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‘Star Trek’ actor George Takei praises Trudeau for pot admission |...
The man who played Hikaru Sulu said the Liberal leader has boldly gone where few politicians have gone before.

Sochi 2014: Star Trek’s George Takei says IOC has a ‘right and...
Takei has reasserted his stance that next year's Winter Olympics should be moved from Sochi to Vancouver

Why We’re Obsessed With George Takei
The director of the documentary

‘Star Trek’s’ George Takei goes to warp speed for Mike Honda – The...
Actor George Takei of 'Star Trek' fame will headline a fundraiser March 20 for Congressman Mike Honda, who's trying to fend off two rivals to win an eighth...
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