Anjan Kant Free People Check 

( I'm Anjan Kant)


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Email SMTP Settings Not Working - Send Test Email TimeOut -...
I'm using nopCommerce v3.4 and tried adding a new Email Account to no avail.I've tried [b][/b] at port [b]465[/b] using [b]SSL[/b] w...

The anti-forgery cookie token and form field token do not match
I was working on a static page and saving my content but I got an issue [b]The anti-forgery cookie token and form field token do not match[/b] and als...

Where to configure HOME page title, keywords, description? - Page
I found some issues on Google webmaster tools...Duplicate title tagsOffer prices on Guitars, Pianos, Drums, Saxophones & Violins - Offers in B...

How to change the Logo - Page 2 - nopCommerce
Yes, located logo position and worked fine for me from here [b]NopCommerce\Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\DefaultClean\Content\images[/b]
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